Experimental Happiness

Friday, March 18, 2011

Have you ever asked yourself what it means to be happy? I would venture to say that for each person, the answer would probably be somewhat similar, but vastly different.

Some people would say being rich would make them happy, or having this car or that kind of house or this particular job, etc. Others would be more apt to think about friendships, families and personal relationships. And still others would think about being at peace with their surroundings, or in tune with themselves.

What does real happiness feel like? 
If I were to describe it, I would say things like, "loving", "caring", "warm fuzzy feelings", "smiling", "state of well-being", and struggle to give words to something that isn't really all that describable.

The Inner Circle

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Circles - Concentric spheres of personality ... secrets ... confining spaces ... protected places.
The innermost revered but seldom revealed.

Circles of five - tighter as they go.

Five - for a series of protection ... reflection ... inflection ... fear
The outer is where we meet and greet ... sizing ... dancing ... learning ... waiting
If proven deceit, the outer is where we stay.

I think I thought I could

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Whether you think you can or think you can’t—you are right.
~Henry Ford

Good old Henry Ford: inventor ... visionary ... guy who hung out with Thomas Edison.

And why do I care? Let's talk about thinking - believing - working.

I've heard the expressions, "The power of positive thinking" or "Ask and you shall receive" or "God helps those who help themselves". There are hundreds of them, but basically they are all saying that if we ask it, think it, believe it and work towards it, it will happen.

There are motivational speakers who claim that if you "visualize" something happening, it will happen. Others say that if we set our plans out and sharply define each goal, we can achieve anything. Some call it Kharma or God's will or the energies of the universe coming together to help ("What energies you put out into the universe comes back to you").

Whatever you call it, or however you believe, this stuff works. Let me give you a little example.
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